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The Different Types of Functions in Functional Programming

In functional programming, the term "type" can be somewhat overloaded, especially in languages like Haskell. However, in this context, we are referring to different kinds of functions and their behaviors. A parser, for example, is a function that accepts strings as input and returns some data structure as output, typically a parse tree or a set of indices representing where parsing stopped successfully.

Types of Functions

Type Description Example Code
Pure Takes an input, returns an output – no side effects (data changes).
f :: Int -> Int
f x = x
Predicate Takes an input, returns a Bool.
f :: Int -> Bool
f x = x > 5
Recursive Like a Pure function, but also calls itself (at least once) with a subset of the original input.
length :: [a] -> Int
length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
Curried "Partial Application" means that a function receives only a part of the input, which makes it return a new function that still wants the rest of the input (imperative languages like C or Python always want all arguments at once)
timesTwo :: Int -> Int
timesTwo = (2 *)

Example usage: As you can see, the * operator only has one input - It's been partially applied! When you look at the definition, you see that timesTwo expects at least one Int, which when applied, gets added at the end of the function:

timesTwo 3
-- { apply timesTwo }
2 * 3
-- { apply * }
Applicative Can take a variable amount of inputs and return an output. Uses the pure function and the <*> operator.

pure lifts a function into a wrapped type, and <*> accepts a wrapped type and a variable (also wrapped).

Monadic Takes an input, returns an output - can have side effects and uses either the bind >>= operator or do notation.

From: Haskell Wiki: All About Monads

maternalGrandfather :: Sheep -> Maybe Sheep
maternalGrandfather s = (return s) >>= mother >>= father
-- Alternatively
mothersPaternalGrandfather :: Sheep -> Maybe Sheep
mothersPaternalGrandfather s = do m  <- mother s
                                  gf <- father m
                                  father gf
Parser Combinator Accepts several parsers as input and returns a new parser as output.

From: Wikipedia: Parser Combinator

A parser is a function accepting strings as input and returning some structure as output, typically a parse tree or a set of indices representing where parsing stopped successfully in the string.